jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

I remember, when was a little girl I had a rabbit. It was beautiful and the coat was white and very smooth. I like her because it was a pet few common. Well I had chickens and hamsters. I can say who had different pets.
My grand father had a parrot, it was incredible because he was
exotic and funny.
Now I have cats, but I don't like so much. Well I love it, respet it but I will prefer don't have pets for the moment.
In the future, maybe, I will like have a dog.
I disagree with  the use of animals for medical research or keep wild animals in a zoo, I think that animals should free, because the humans not make them what you do not like that they will do. In the name of the "progress" the people have forgotten of the love and the live, respect environment and respect of the people and the animals.