miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

I'm going to give my opinion about my experience learning of english. In the school, my  English subject were very basic, well, I believe not much but I have difficult  to learn english, I try learn everything but in occasions I  don't understand. I can't think in other language, but I try.  Exist situations I feel embarrassment, because in my head is like  I have two persons; the first, speak spanish; second, speak english and together speak spanglish
In a first moment, in the second level English, I don't learn so much  because the time of semester it was very fast.

I feel, I need a book  complementary because the part oral, it's practice in class but I need support in the part write.

The time, in my case. is gold, so in occasions I decide in what to take up. In this case I like  learn much english, because is an  tool to work very important and will extend the laboral offer.
In a next future I like  practice a course of english and see me speak english, very well.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Well the truth is that I struggled to find my north, I think I made it clear in a previous post.Today I take things more calmly, ie for a few months I was very anxious, wondering if it was right the way I'm drawing and I really think that's not the point. All the experiences I have had have helped me to grow, mature, see things from a different angle but cuena me that everything happens for my hands. In that sense I have become aware of the consequences of my actions and decisions Each Diame realize that mine is not exactly living art in this country very difficult. I intend to teach you to learn everything so I do not expect to generate a sufficient production work while studying.Clearly I have other pryectos in mind. For example I like to live in Santiago, I would like to start a little less stressful and a city whose population density grows daily. Actually in this life I feel you have to take advantage of opportunities sacarleel full and if not search until you find them.In the future I am far from Santiago, making classes preferably near the sea.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Currently it is clear the effects of climate change. That is, the temperatures are rising each year. For this reason it is necessary to be aware that every activity performed leaves a mark or a carbon registry, damaging the environment. So more than ever it is necessary to re-learn everything around us to maximize our resources but above all cherish and to respect, in so doing judo me helps me and you, is that you need to take into account qeu somo s a group of people living in society and we must respect our environment.
I must say that I try to make my contribution to the environment by requiring resources not on truth but I just feel that, for me the means of mobilization is not very green in contrast, uses public transport. This is due to large distances that I travel, this, coupled with the fear of the recklessness of motorists make much in doubt choose a means of tranport green.
In my house in general feel that we do not pollute too each one makes its contribution to avoid excess waste that eventually hurt ourselves.
In the area where I live there is no weekly recycling collection, I'd love to bring in a project to help sta initiative cone but I must admit that I have not reported much about it. By the time the contribution I make is collecting soda cans to sell soon that recycle, I know wh ene gRNA pay a sum of money but the truth does not interest me much.