lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Well the truth is that I struggled to find my north, I think I made it clear in a previous post.Today I take things more calmly, ie for a few months I was very anxious, wondering if it was right the way I'm drawing and I really think that's not the point. All the experiences I have had have helped me to grow, mature, see things from a different angle but cuena me that everything happens for my hands. In that sense I have become aware of the consequences of my actions and decisions Each Diame realize that mine is not exactly living art in this country very difficult. I intend to teach you to learn everything so I do not expect to generate a sufficient production work while studying.Clearly I have other pryectos in mind. For example I like to live in Santiago, I would like to start a little less stressful and a city whose population density grows daily. Actually in this life I feel you have to take advantage of opportunities sacarleel full and if not search until you find them.In the future I am far from Santiago, making classes preferably near the sea.

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