miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

I'm going to give my opinion about my experience learning of english. In the school, my  English subject were very basic, well, I believe not much but I have difficult  to learn english, I try learn everything but in occasions I  don't understand. I can't think in other language, but I try.  Exist situations I feel embarrassment, because in my head is like  I have two persons; the first, speak spanish; second, speak english and together speak spanglish
In a first moment, in the second level English, I don't learn so much  because the time of semester it was very fast.

I feel, I need a book  complementary because the part oral, it's practice in class but I need support in the part write.

The time, in my case. is gold, so in occasions I decide in what to take up. In this case I like  learn much english, because is an  tool to work very important and will extend the laboral offer.
In a next future I like  practice a course of english and see me speak english, very well.

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