miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Hello everybody

Today I will talk of the last book I read, in this case publication.
Well the publication have relation with studies of genre. This text don't try a struggle between  women and men. This text to achieve formulate a text in when to compile different authors in relation with these them.
In the publication published a prominent character of the University of Chile, by example Diamela Eltit, Jean Franco, and other.

Well, basically, the text or articles about of how construct women image in Chile, to make allusion of different stage of history of Chile and latinamerican to make allusion at art. And how during much time the women image was connected only with her self and the reproduction.

This Publication of Nomadías I interesting because in the materia of Political an arts in a work to decide analyse magazine of genre and construction of actual women and thematic to tackle in this mass medias.

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