viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

I'm going to give my opinion about my experience learning of english. In the school, my  English subject were very basic, well, I believe not much but I have difficult  to learn english, I try learn everything but in occasions I  don't understand. I can't think in other language, but I try.  Exist situations I feel embarrassment, because in my head is like  I have two persons; the first, speak spanish; second, speak english and together speak spanglish
In a first moment, in the second level English, I don't learn so much  because the time of semester it was very fast.

I feel, I need a book  complementary because the part oral, it's practice in class but I need support in the part write.

The time, in my case. is gold, so in occasions I decide in what to take up. In this case I like  learn much english, because is an  tool to work very important and will extend the laboral offer.
In a next future I like  practice a course of english and see me speak english, very well.

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Well the truth is that I struggled to find my north, I think I made it clear in a previous post.Today I take things more calmly, ie for a few months I was very anxious, wondering if it was right the way I'm drawing and I really think that's not the point. All the experiences I have had have helped me to grow, mature, see things from a different angle but cuena me that everything happens for my hands. In that sense I have become aware of the consequences of my actions and decisions Each Diame realize that mine is not exactly living art in this country very difficult. I intend to teach you to learn everything so I do not expect to generate a sufficient production work while studying.Clearly I have other pryectos in mind. For example I like to live in Santiago, I would like to start a little less stressful and a city whose population density grows daily. Actually in this life I feel you have to take advantage of opportunities sacarleel full and if not search until you find them.In the future I am far from Santiago, making classes preferably near the sea.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Currently it is clear the effects of climate change. That is, the temperatures are rising each year. For this reason it is necessary to be aware that every activity performed leaves a mark or a carbon registry, damaging the environment. So more than ever it is necessary to re-learn everything around us to maximize our resources but above all cherish and to respect, in so doing judo me helps me and you, is that you need to take into account qeu somo s a group of people living in society and we must respect our environment.
I must say that I try to make my contribution to the environment by requiring resources not on truth but I just feel that, for me the means of mobilization is not very green in contrast, uses public transport. This is due to large distances that I travel, this, coupled with the fear of the recklessness of motorists make much in doubt choose a means of tranport green.
In my house in general feel that we do not pollute too each one makes its contribution to avoid excess waste that eventually hurt ourselves.
In the area where I live there is no weekly recycling collection, I'd love to bring in a project to help sta initiative cone but I must admit that I have not reported much about it. By the time the contribution I make is collecting soda cans to sell soon that recycle, I know wh ene gRNA pay a sum of money but the truth does not interest me much.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Hello everybody

Today I will talk of the last book I read, in this case publication.
Well the publication have relation with studies of genre. This text don't try a struggle between  women and men. This text to achieve formulate a text in when to compile different authors in relation with these them.
In the publication published a prominent character of the University of Chile, by example Diamela Eltit, Jean Franco, and other.

Well, basically, the text or articles about of how construct women image in Chile, to make allusion of different stage of history of Chile and latinamerican to make allusion at art. And how during much time the women image was connected only with her self and the reproduction.

This Publication of Nomadías I interesting because in the materia of Political an arts in a work to decide analyse magazine of genre and construction of actual women and thematic to tackle in this mass medias.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Damien Hirst's Verity statue: 'It's a bit Hannibal Lecter'

Residents of Ilfracombe in North Devon offer their forthright views on the controversial artist's latest creation

Damien Hirst's Verity … 'A bit rude … a bit weird.'
Damien Hirst's Verity … 'A bit rude … a bit weird.' Photograph: Getty Images

Damien Hirst

We all know that art often causes controversy, both for the public "viewer" by experts.

The Guardian article, it is precisely this. It talks about Damien Hirst, an English artist associated with Young British Artists,
In fact what is at issue is a work of his own, called Verity. This large-scale work is currently in Ilfracombe in North Devon.

The work is a metal sculpture showing the figure of a pregnant woman divided in two. Showing the "side A" and "B side" of pregnancy. That is one part sample to the unborn female human figure and anatomy to the other recoated, as seen clearly part of the skull, uterus, mammary gland, fetus, modified muscle during pregnancy.

This duality has led local people Ilfracombe hold different opinions about it, because many will concideran uncomfortably grotesque. Moreover consider the artist as a pseudo Hannibal Lecter, and much of his work are dissections of various specimens in formalin.

While in the area there are several positions on this sculpture, appreciate the increase in tourism in the town. However, there are local people as Rob Verity Lawson who considers as "One half of her is calm, beautiful, the other half is provocative - the human as an animal."

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

 Good afternoon everybody, today I will write about of one important decision of the life. Continue studying and decide to be a professional.

In this country is very expensive  continue studying, in occassions  many people drop out the university for this reason.

In my case, my decision  was very difficult. Because, I didn't know what to studying. Well,  I always study by my self, but in this case I was very inmature and  I didn't know what to do with my life and I didn't have orientation clear.

Well, The first study  was pedagogy, after art history and finally visual art.

My decision was inspired by my experience in the school, because always I liked draw and paint. After studying art history,  I liked so much it, but I didn't have practices materias. Then, I requested the transfer.

In ocassions doubted of mi decision but I learned so much and grew like  person...well, I believe was a good decision after all.

In the next future I will like teach everything I know and oriented you with arte teraphy.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

My best weekend-holiday

Hi all. Today I will write about those trips you plan them without demasados ​​are the most memorable.

I have a friend five years ago. The taper after leaving school. We spend a lot of time no see more when we reeencontramos, is great.

This exciting yet stressful summer, I went for a weekend with his family to the beach. It was great and very relaxing, incredible pass. For the first time I felt the need for a time like this.

I felt I needed to talk to her more than ever as I was going through a strange period emocionalmete and spends the days with her and her family, helped too.

Since I was a child I dreamed of traveling. I do not know if one day I will do but in the meantime I can fantasize about it. Since childhood I have loved history, especially  universal history. I love to have the chance to visit the great museums of Europe. I studied one year of art history and I realized how wonderful it would be facing  those wonderful works. Actually I have no preference for any European country, I would just go every museum and his works.
If I focus on that place I would love to know its culture, its people and its landscapes would be Cuba, Colombia and Brazil, is if I were given the option or I look I would love to spend a long period in any of these countries. I've known people of these nationalities and are wonderful, very cheerful, friendly and even more educated. I think it would be wonderful to escape to a place where it lives with constant joy.
First semester

Good afternoon everybody, today I write to tell you about the first semester. Well, to begin, the last semester was very exhausting Practically Because I do not had holidays. The faculty extended period of class for the closing of the materials. Were my exams in March. In my holidays, I worked in my montage of my works.

Well, I must say That despite this, I went a couple of days, to disconnect, to beach.

In this year I Decided, after a long analysis workshop I Decided to change, I know it's almost starting from scratch. I worked hard to be a day and see achievements Gradually, has not been easy. In this period I have carefree other matter on Which I'm catching up.

Another achievement is That I Am Proud To Have participated in a group exhibition, Because I Never Thought About Being in a situation like this. I think the only thing left to do is sort my schedule even more because i do not have part of my weekends as I work to pay my materials. And this added to the time spent on new workshop has made me take a bit ordination.
I feel I have a long way to go...

sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

I have a carbon footprint of 1,83 (approximate 1,99) in comparison to the average which is 3,87  by person in Chile

Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.

Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity. FALSE

Yes, you can. You can make paper with helpm. 

The best 3 tips

You can squash plastic bottles to maximize space
You can reuse bags or use “bag for life”
You can pack boxes to maximize space

Well the art is important for me, because came into my life around fifteen years old, when my mind was very stressful and sad. The art is important because in my personal experience  the people connect with de feeling  and with the external world, with the social and political word.
My best artistic ability is the painting and the sewing.  I don’t participate in any competition, well recently in one but I don’t have the results.  I have admiration by other artists but jealous, never. Well maybe, I say:
Wuau, How can do it??  
One the favorite artist is Frida Kahlo, well I considered a woman with character and strong. Is very interesting read about your life. The  Frida’s work is relation with her personal experience.

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

 I'm gonna write about Banksy, is a pseudonymous of an England artist who used subversive epigrams combine irreverent dark humour with graffiti.   
The artistic works of political and social commentary have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world.
Banksy’s work born in Bristol, in the streets because him use the different walls to account for their social criticism. The government ticks the graffiti as vandalism, but this artist displays his art on public surfaces. 
I like Banksy because him art is very ironic and politic.
In the year 2009 Banksy did exhibition in the Museum of Bristol very interesting.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

I remember, when was a little girl I had a rabbit. It was beautiful and the coat was white and very smooth. I like her because it was a pet few common. Well I had chickens and hamsters. I can say who had different pets.
My grand father had a parrot, it was incredible because he was
exotic and funny.
Now I have cats, but I don't like so much. Well I love it, respet it but I will prefer don't have pets for the moment.
In the future, maybe, I will like have a dog.
I disagree with  the use of animals for medical research or keep wild animals in a zoo, I think that animals should free, because the humans not make them what you do not like that they will do. In the name of the "progress" the people have forgotten of the love and the live, respect environment and respect of the people and the animals.